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The Killer

Welcome to Massacre’s Mansion. Glad you could make it here in one piece. __________________________________________________________________________

The film listed below briefly combs through one of the many scraps I’ve lost from my book. I’m lucky enough to have found this first piece, but there are countless others scattered throughout this world and I’ve only just begun retrieving them. As is tradition, I have documented and re-documented my findings to not only help me remember this crucial soul but also to hopefully aid in my retrieval of more scraps in the near future. Film is much more temperamental than good old-fashioned ink, but if the past has taught me anything it's that no book is untearable. This is an excellent place to start in my new and improved collection. This one has brought me so much entertainment. I will not lose them again. This “Killer” has quite a powerful soul. Where does that power come from? Their victims? Their past? It’s hard to say. I feel some crucial information has been lost. There are many other souls linked by this one. Perhaps their stories complete each other. One thing’s for sure, with these weak links, finding my other scraps just got a bit easier.



"The moment you locked the doors of this accursed place, you sealed your fate, as well as the fate of everyone else you foolishly trapped here. How does it feel having all of this blood on your hands?" 

-The Killer

Additional Rules, Clarifications, and House Rules:


The Nobody Left Alive Rule:

If only two players are left alive and one of them is the Killer while the other is a Role with the Ability to kill another player during the Lights Out phase, and they proceed to kill each other during the same Lights Out phase, the game ends in a tie between those two Alignments. The Killer of course, can still win if they correctly guess the identity of the Witness after the game has concluded.


The Those Who Remain Rule:

If the Killer and another Role kill each other during the Lights Out phase and there are still players left alive, the result is an Innocent victory unless every player left alive is part of an Alignment that is not Innocent. In which case, it is that Alignment that wins. 


The Obvious Fool House Rule:

If you are playing with random Roles or if the Fool is present in the game at all, you can choose to allow the Fool to open their eyes during the Murderous countdown portion of the Lights Out phase. This allows the Killer to know when the game is over if random roles are not present, and if they are present it adds another layer of thought for the Killer as the Fool could be misinterpreted as their ally. This rule can also be effectively implemented by replacing the Fool card with the Suspicious Super Role card.


The Undead Killer Rule:

If the Killer becomes Infected, the Killer can no longer win the game by guessing who the Witness is at the end of the game. They must win with the Survive The Night Objective or the Conquer Enemies Objective. 


The Known Allies House Rule:

Before the game begins, you can choose to have the Killer and any other members of the Murderous Alignment, potentially as well as the Fool, discover their allies. You can do this by initiating a separate countdown before the game begins. The Leader would say something along the lines of:

Everyone, close your eyes.

Murderous Roles, open your eyes and identify other Murderers.

Everyone, open your eyes.

Similar ally identification could also be done with other Alignments such as the Hungry. If this rule is not implemented, the Murderous Roles will be able to identify each other during the first Lights Out phase like normal. 


The Remaining Knife House Rule:

If the Killer dies and there are multiple Murderous Roles present in the game, you can choose to give the Killer the Ability to give their Role card to another Murderous player during the next Lights Out phase instead of revealing their Role card. This would mean the game would not end if the Killer was killed. The game would instead end if all members of the Murderous Alignment were killed, at which point the Role card of the Killer would be revealed for real. The Role card of the Killer cannot be given normally, so if Murderous Role receives the Killer Role card, they would know the Killer has died and they would then have the Abilities listed on the Killer Role card. This could also cause the game to end in a different way if the Killer mistakenly gives their Role card to the Fool or the Impersonator after they die. The game could potentially end in an Innocent victory if this occurs. 



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