Massacards Base Game
Copies Requested:
498 / 5000
Massacards Grandest Party Edition
Copies Requested:
873 / 5000
Looks like you're interested in buying Massacards! Or at least, you're wondering how much it costs. Firstly, I'd like to say thank you! I'm glad you're interested enough to give the shop a glance!
I'm going to be completely honest, Massacards isn't available for purchase... at least not yet! Believe it or not, manufacturing a game is quite expensive, even if the game only includes cards! The company I use to manufacture Massacards relies on bulk orders to make games affordable. The more copies of Massacards I order, the less it costs me, and therefore the less it costs you! If I were to order a single copy of Massacards for myself, it would cost me over one hundred dollars plus shipping! That's ludicrous! My goal is to sell the base game for around 35 dollars, because that's what I think is fair for you. In order to get the prices that low, I need to order in bulk!
If you are interested in owning a copy of Massacards, let me know by clicking the Request My Copy button at the top of this page! This page will be updated regularly with the amount of copies requested by you, the fans! Once one of the goals are met, I'll email you asking if you'd like to make the purchase for real, so you can back out at any time. Hopefully sooner rather than later you'll be holding your own copy of Massacards! How long will it really take though? It's hard to say. It could take three weeks or three years, I really have no way of knowing. You can help this game become a reality by sharing this website and the Youtube channel with your gaming friends and family! As soon as the request goals are met, you could have your own copy sent to you!
Right now there are two versions of the game that I have completely finished. Maybe there will be more in the future but I can't say anything for sure in that department.
The Massacards Base Game is the original version of the game I've had planned for what feels like forever! It's a complete hidden role game experience with tons of customization, and a classic selection of characters to play as. Every Alignment is represented and you have a large selection of Room and Clue cards to discover during your game night! This is an ideal and affordable option for everyone!
Massacards Grandest Party Edition is the real deal though. This game will have all of the current characters I've created, which is 200 by the way, and is truly the ultimate hidden role game experience! It includes all of the cards from the base game and an additional 302 cards of Characters, Gamemodes, and fun! If you want the ultimate Massacards game night, the Grandest Party Edition will provide you with everything you need and so much more! You can read further details below! If you like what you see, click the Request My Copy button at the top of this page!
Massacards Base Game: 35 Dollars + Shipping
Included with the Massacards Base Game is the original hidden role experience! Massacards will provide you, your friends, and your family with countless incredible game nights! Within the box there are:
1. 15 Unique Playable Characters with 24 Role Cards Total.
2. 24 Room Cards.
3. 13 Vision Cards.
4. 39 Clue Cards.
In total. you get exactly 100 high quality cards, and an in-depth instruction booklet!
Massacards: Grandest Party Edition: 80 Dollars + Shipping
The Grandest Party Edition of Massacards is for those who aren't satisfied with a measly 15 characters to play as. This version of the game is for the superfans and experienced hidden role gamers. This is the ultimate hidden role game experience. With near infinite replayability and customization options, this deluxe box is sure to satisfy. The Grandest Party Edition Box includes:
1. 200 Unique Playable Characters with 209 Role Cards Total! That's more than any major hidden Role game in history!
2. 100 Room Cards! Ultimate Mansion Exploration and Customization Capability!
3. 13 Vision Cards.
4. 39 Clue Cards.
5. 13 Guest Number Cards for Even More Game Customization!
6. 13 Life Cards to aid in the various modes of play!
7. 12 Relic Cards for the Massacre Gamemode!
8. 3 Investigation Cards for the Investigator Gamemode!
In total you get 402 high quality cards, which is a better card to cost ratio than the base game due to how bulk ordering works! You also get a large instruction booklet which contains rules for nine total gamemodes! That's even more replayability and customization within your cards! All of these gamemodes synergize with each other as well, meaning you could play all of them at once if you really wanted to! The possibilities are endless! Within this box there is also built-in room for additional cards. This would only come in to play if Massacards gains massive interest and I decide to add an expansion or two to the already massive game! With this box, you'll be ready for that! The Grandest Party Edition includes all of the cards from the base game, so there is no need to double request or buy!
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this nonsense, I truly appreciate it! I want to make this game a reality, and you can help me! If it all works out, you get a cool new game out of the deal!​